Calboy1227's Pets' Page:
This page is dedicated to my two beloved puppies (okay.. maybe they're a bit old to be called pups...but they're still cute.. hehe), Bob and Alf.. hehe..
I really like my dogs because I've had them for many many years.... besides.. whenever I go home for vacations, the first person who runs out of my house to greet me is usually not my brother, not my dad or my mom.. yeap.. it's my dogs!!.. hehehe.. they're so cute... I always get jealous whenever girls are tempted to kiss them.... ah.. what am i thinking!?!
Well I've had Bob for at least 10 years since we first adopted him from a local animal shelter in San Gabriel, CA. We didn't give him a creative name because this is the name that his previous owner gave him... hehehe.. I wonder how much more ordinary can this name be...but still... Bob's always been a good companion and friend of my family. He loves beef but he hates our pool man for some reason.... |
Bob and Alf posing for pictures
I actually found Alf on campus in my high school in the winter of 1994. By then he was lost and trembling as he stumbled across the campus... many students were teasing him at that time.. poor Alf.. all he wanted was to please them by fetching tennis balls for them...I felt very bad about him so I picked him up on my way home that day.. since then Alf has become another of my family's best friend.. hehehe.. it's always fun to see him wrestling with Bob on the ground...
Alf relaxing in the kitchen
This is Alf relaxing on the kitchen floor, where he spends most time of the day when he's not outside... heheh..I know.. he looks kind of dumb but he's actually pretty smart. Alf is currently the 2nd-in-command for our home security team, just ranks belows Bob and above no one else... hehehehhe. |
Bob and Alf posing for pictures
Bob and Alf like to stay in the kitchen when it's too cold/late to play outside of the house. They make good companies since they always have this adorable smile on their face. :) But they tend to kick sandals around once in a while. Heheh..
Richie playing in her cage
My other pet is a cocktail, Richie. We found her running around in a parking lot one day. It turned out that she had an injured wing and couldn't fly. We spent a lot of time chasing her around the parking lot and eventually caught her. We then took her home and healed her wounds. Even though she's a little cripple now, she's as healthy as ever. Hehehe...we know that it's a "she" because she's started laying eggs. |